When I first started thinking about my campaign, I had considered that a black and pink color scheme might be good to use for signs, flyers, website etc. I decided on the current colors, but still am drawn to the black and pink.
The reason for this is that it represents two types of fictional panthers, the Black Panther and the Pink Panther. Two different panthers. Some like one, some like the other, some like both and some folks like neither. This ties in well with my philosophy that our schools have many different cultures, ideologies and peoples in it.
As I contemplated these colors deeper, I realized that they are important colors for a lot of causes. Black is predominant in the National League of Families POW/MIA flags, Pink is the color of the breast cancer awareness ribbon. Black is the predominant color for Black Lives Matter signs. Pink is associated with Planned Parenthood.
All these organizations have a common purpose to help specific populations to live a better life. They strive to heal and protect. I want PV Schools to be the same way. To provide a safe and nurturing place for all students to reach their fullest potential.
There are those among us who would condemn this group or that group as being unworthy to be included in our educational system. It is an attitude similar to how the Nazis used black or pink triangles to single out those they wished to ostracize and eliminate from society.
I will fight to make sure the black, pink and all other colors have a place in our district.